ABL Website Link Map

How It Works


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Map of Links to the ABL Site

  • 1 Represents the title of the section you are in. e.g. HOOP NEWS.

  • 2 Clicking on the logo will link you back to the main Home Page.

  • 3 Sections are listed in magenta. Clicking on these results in a link to the top of the section. i.e. HOOP NEWS.

  • 4 The blue bar is your subnavigation for each section. Click on these names to navigate through each section. A blue line is drawn to the magenta title according to what section you are in. i.e. HOOP NEWS. This will directly correspond to the title at the top of the page. In order to return to the main page of a section see #3.

Section Information

  • HOOP NEWS--Contains a search mechanism to find a specific story and a list of links to the most recent stories. Subsections include: Player of the Week and Team News.

  • SCHEDULE & RESULTS--Contains recent games with summaries and upcoming games with key match ups. Subsections include: A Schedule Viewer, Game Archives, and a Scoreboard for games in progress.

  • STANDINGS & STATS--Contains current stats for Eastern and Western Conferences and a Player Statistics Viewer that allows for general or specific stat displays. Subsections include: League Leaders and Team Stats.

  • ABL RECORDS--Contains individual league record holders with bios. Subsections include: Season Highs, All-Time Records and Archives.

  • TEAMS--Contains links to each teams "mini-site" with lots of team info. Subsections include: a Team Roster and Team Directories.

  • ABL GEAR--Contains the ABL's online Store where you may purchase team paraphernalia. Subsections include: Jerseys, Clothing, Caps, Basketballs, Publications, and View Shopping Cart to view the items you intend to purchase.

  • FAN CLUB--Contains a Fan Club main page with information pertinent to the subsections wich include: Fan Forum, The Founders Club, Live Player Chats, Player Chat Archives, and Q&A.

  • ABL INFO--Contains contact information for the ABL. Subsections include: Team & League Directories, League Rules, and League Referees.

  • HELP--You are here.

Reporting Bugs

Yeah, nobody's perfect. You may encounter problems with the site. If you do, please email the webmaster with a descrption of the problem and an exact URL where the problem occurred (such as 'http://www.abl.com/help.html'). We try to be as responsive as possible to your input.

Typically, many problems stem from old browsers or misconfiguration of your system; before emailing the webmaster, consider upgrading to the latest version of Netscape or MSIE. Problems loading multimedia content such as video and sound are almost always an issue of system misconfiguration: consult the online manual for your browser and/or system software to see if your plugins and system extensions are correctly configured.

This site relies heavily on dynamic updating of pages through database content. If you are seeing old information, you may need to clear your browser's disk-cache get an updated version. When you are viewing dynamically updated pages, you should set your browser's Network Prefrences Options to "Check Documents Every Time". This will insure that you get a fresh copy of the page off the server if it has been updated. Large online services such as AOL and CompuServe use proxy servers which save the information on their servers before transmitting it to you. This is designed to reduce their network traffic, but it has the unfortunate side-effect of not allowing you to view updated information. We do not recommend using providers who do this. Most regional ISPs don't do this. One workaround is to type a question mark '?' after the document location in your browser's location window. This fools the proxy server into thinking the document being requested is a server script, and loads the latest version.

still having trouble? consult our FAQ.


|home|  |hoop news|  |schedule & results|  |standings & stats|  |ABL records|  |teams|  |ABL Gear|  |Fan Club|  |ABL info|  |Photo Archive|  |Help|
Medius Logo ©1997 Medius Interactive and the American Basketball League, all rights reserved.
Operated by: webmaster@ableague.com  contact the ABL at hoops@ableague.com.
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