ABL Fans

Home Attendance

  Team    Games  Total   Avg.
New England 20 -100,166- 5,008
Portland    20-  83,343- 4,167
Colorado    20-  82,069- 4,103
Seattle     20-  64,571- 3,229
San Jose    20-  63,623- 3,181
Richmond    20-  62,785- 3,139
Atlanta     20-  55,593- 2,780
Columbus    20-  53,637- 2,682
 Total     160- 565,787- 3,536

Top Twelve Crowds

11,873 San Jose at N.E. 1/25
10,477 Columbus at N.E. 11/23
 8,848 Port. at Colorado 1/19
 8,767 Richmond at N.E. 10/18
 8,704 Atlanta at Portland 10/19
 7,145 Columbus at Colo. 2/16
 6,894 Seattle at N.E. 2/15
 6,879 -Colum. at Richmond -3/8*
 6,815- Colorado at N.E.- 10/25
 6,313 -Rich. at Columbus -3/11*
 6,138 SJ at Richmond 10/25
 6,123 Atlanta at Richmond 2/8

* ABL Championship Series

Playoff Attendance

Team G Total Avg. Richmond 3 15,625 5,208 Columbus 4 17,424 4,381 Colorado 1 4,144 4,144 San Jose 1 3,018 3,018 Total 9 40,211 4,468

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